SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization

The SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the official transportation planning organization for eight (8) Central Pennsylvania Counties (Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Union), as designated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on March 27, 2013. Prior to that date, the counties identified above were part of the SEDA-COG Rural Planning Organization (RPO). The 2010 decennial Census resulted in a new urbanized area (UZA) determination that required the formation of an MPO for the affected Bloomsburg-Berwick UZA; local and state parties agreed to make the MPO coverage contain the entirety of the 8 counties listed above.

The SEDA-COG MPO operates via an agreement with PennDOT to approve studies and capital improvements for highways, bridges, transit, railroads, bicycle/pedestrian facilities, and other transportation concerns. Three primary documents are developed and approved by the MPO: the region’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), and annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). In executing its work, the MPO strives to help provide a balanced transportation system for the maximum benefit of people, businesses, and communities in the region.

Consistent with its bylaws, the SEDA-COG MPO’s governing body consists of 17 voting members: one representative from each of the eight member counties (typically the county planning director); three representatives from PennDOT (Engineering District 2-0, Engineering District 3-0, and Central Office); one representative from transit; one representative from multi-modal interests; one representative from the SEDA-COG Board; one representative from SEDA-COG’s Transportation Program; one representative from the largest municipality (by population) in the Bloomsburg-Berwick UZA; and one representative from the 2nd largest municipality (by population) in the Bloomsburg-Berwick UZA . In addition to the 17 voting members, the MPO includes non-voting members. Such non-voting members receive MPO reports and agendas and may participate in MPO discussions. Non-voting members include, among others: Lycoming County officials, Centre County officials, Luzerne County officials, Federal Highway Administration officials, Federal Transit Administration officials, SEDA-COG staff, other state and federal resource agencies, and private citizens with an interest in transportation and economic development throughout the region.

In 2024, the MPO adopted a new Strategic Plan to help shape future work programs and the region’s overall transportation planning direction. The strategic planning process provided MPO members an opportunity to assess the direction of the current program and identify issues demanding attention, as well as corresponding short-term priorities and recommended actions. The Strategic Plan can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

MPO Meeting Schedule

The SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will hold its 2025 meetings on the following dates:

  • January 24, 2025
  • March 28, 2025
  • May 9, 2025
  • July 18, 2025
  • September 19, 2025
  • November 21, 2025

MPO meetings are typically held at SEDA-COG’s office complex at 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg, PA; the meetings normally begin at 9:30 a.m. and run until 11:30 a.m. All MPO meetings are open to the public, and there is a public comment item on MPO meeting agendas. Individual meetings are advertised in The Daily Item newspaper and appear on the SEDA-COG website calendar of events listing.

The SEDA-COG MPO is committed to compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of applicable civil rights statutes, executive orders, regulations, and policies. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service, or language assistance for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the SEDA-COG MPO should contact Kristin McLaughlin, SEDA-COG MPO ADA/Title VI Coordinator, at 570-524-4491, TTY 711, or, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.

Consistent with the MPO’s complaint procedures, complaints that a program, service, or activity of the SEDA-COG MPO is not accessible to persons with disabilities, or if you believe that you have been denied participation opportunities or otherwise discriminated based on disability, Title VI, or another covered nondiscriminatory basis, you may file a complaint using the procedures provided in our complaint process document or by contacting Kristin McLaughlin, SEDA-COG MPO ADA/Title VI Coordinator, 201 Furnace Rd, Lewisburg, PA 17837, (570) 524-4491, TTY 711,

MPO & PennDOT Resouces

MPO Meeting Materials

Agendas for SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) meetings are available as PDFs by clicking below. The meeting agendas are distributed to MPO members and interested parties at least one week prior to each meeting. Meeting packets and related resources are also available for download below. Individuals may sign up for the MPO distribution list by clicking on the Transportation Comments page.

Jan 2025      Agenda  |  Meeting Packet | Presentations

Mar 2025     Agenda  |  Meeting Packet  |  Presentations

May 2025     Agenda  |  Meeting Packet  |  Presentations

Jul 2025        Agenda  |  Meeting Packet  |  Presentations

Sept 2025     Agenda  |  Meeting Packet  |  Presentations

Nov 2025      Agenda  |  Meeting Packet  |  Presentations

MPO Meeting Minutes

Below are minutes and recordings from previous SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) meetings. The meeting minutes are posted after their approval by the MPO members.


  • January 24 Minutes | Meeting Recording
  • March 28 Minutes | Meeting Recording 
  • May 9 Minutes | Meeting Recording
  • July 18 Minutes | Meeting Recording
  • September 19 Minutes | Meeting Recording
  • November 21 Minutes | Meeting Recording



