Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

As a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), SEDA-COG is a PennDOT planning partner, helping to develop a regional TIP and, like PennDOT, serving as a resource for transportation funding, grant management, and best practices on behalf of its member counties: Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union. The TIP is the regionally agreed-upon list of priority projects, which consists of the first four years of PennDOT’s Twelve Year Program. The TIP contains multimodal projects, including traditional highway/bridge and transit projects, along with bicycle/pedestrian, aviation, and freight-related improvements. The official TIP is updated every two years in Pennsylvania, but it serves as a living document that is constantly being revised and amended.

Draft 2025-2028 TIP Available for Review

The SEDA-COG MPO announces that the region’s Draft TIP for Federal Fiscal Years 2025-2028 is available below for public review. The public comment period for the Draft TIP begins April 19, 2024. The public is encouraged to review the TIP documents, below, and offer any written comments until 4:00 p.m. on May 20, 2024.

Written comments may be submitted via e-mail, SEDA-COG web portal, fax, or mail.

  • E-mail comments may be submitted to:
  • Web portal may be accessed here
  • Comments may be faxed to 570-524-9190
  • Address mailed comments to:

Kristin McLaughlin, Principal Transportation Planner
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

The SEDA-COG MPO will convene a public meeting to review the Draft FFY 2025-2028 TIP, receive public input, and address questions or concerns about the Draft TIP.  The public meeting will be held on May 6, 2024 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Union County Government Center, 155 N. 15th St., Lewisburg.  The government center is accessible to people with disabilities.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service, or language assistance for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the SEDA-COG MPO should contact Kristin McLaughlin, SEDA-COG MPO ADA/Title VI Coordinator, at 570-524-4491, TTY 711, or, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.

Consistent with the MPO’s complaint procedures, complaints that a program, service, or activity of the SEDA-COG MPO is not accessible to persons with disabilities, or if you believe that you have been denied participation opportunities or otherwise discriminated based on disability, Title VI, or another covered nondiscriminatory basis, you may file a complaint using the procedures provided in our complaint process document or by contacting Kristin McLaughlin, SEDA-COG MPO ADA/Title VI Coordinator, 201 Furnace Rd, Lewisburg, PA 17837, (570) 524-4491, TTY 711,


The public can participate in the meeting and submit comments via teleconference or videoconference using the following log-in information:

Teleconference: (650) 419-1505; Meeting ID: 068674643#


Public Meeting Presentation

Public Meeting Handouts

Public Meeting Recording

Other Resources

To view a webmap of SEDA-COG MPO’s 2025 TIP projects, click HERE. An online map viewer has been developed by the SEDA-COG MPO in ArcGIS Online to display the maps/data outlined in the Environmental Justice report in more detail.  Explore the Online Map Viewer HERE. You may find additional project information on PennDOT’s TIP Visualization website and One Map website. To see projects made possible or in development because of Pennsylvania’s Act 89 transportation funding plan, visit PennDOT’s Projects website. To view a webmap of SEDA-COG MPO’s 2023 TIP projects, click HERE.