Neighborhoods flourish when the housing is good, and good neighborhoods mean healthy communities. That’s why we rehabilitate homes for limited-income families on behalf of our partnering communities.
Housing rehabilitation since 1989:
1,000+ houses
9 counties
$27 million invested
Eligible homeowners can enjoy a rehabilitated home at no cost while we manage it from start to finish, including obtaining the contractor and seeing the project through to completion.
Eligible Repairs: Structural, roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating/furnace, window replacement, radon and lead-based paint mitigation, and energy-related improvements. Also included are modifications for mobility-impaired residents. There is no cost to homeowners who maintain home residency over a five-year period from the date of signing.
• Own the home or have life rights to live in it;
• Meet income qualifications based on household size;
• Be current on local taxes and municipal utility bills;
• Provide proof of homeowner’s insurance;
• Live in the home an additional five years.
Additional requirements may apply.
• Grant administration
• Identification of repair needs
• Assistance to homeowner to retain a contractor
• Construction management
• Inspections during construction
Housing Rehabilitation Services are offered in:
Berwick Borough
Town of Bloomsburg
Jersey Shore Borough
Juniata County
City of Lock Haven
Milton Borough
Mount Carmel Borough
Mount Carmel Township
Montour County
Perry County
Snyder County
South Williamsport Borough
State College Borough
Sullivan County
City of Sunbury
City of Shamokin
Our program is always looking to add contractor to our current list of pool of approved housing rehabilitation contractors. If interested, please contact Mandy Fox at
- Mandy Fox
Director - Seth Kerstetter
Rehabilitation Specialist - Audrey Frederick
Program Analyst
- Mandy Fox