With consultant assistance and in collaboration with the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, the SEDA-COG and Williamsport MPOs developed a regional bike-ped plan for the counties along the Susquehanna River, namely Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties.
The Plan is designed to:
- Promote the regional bicycle and pedestrian network for its varied benefits: safety, health, mobility, environment and economy.
- Identify “missing links” in our regional bicycle and pedestrian network where future projects would help interconnect communities, including linkages to transit.
- Identify priority projects, actions, and initiatives to improve and promote use of the network.
- Include tools and strategies for cost-effective local improvements to make walking and riding a bicycle safer and more convenient.
Middle Susquehanna Active Transportation Committee
To develop the regional Bike-Ped Plan, SEDA-COG formed a Regional Advisory Committee. The Committee includes representatives from the seven counties, local municipalities, walking and bicycling clubs, and the SEDA-COG and Williamsport MPOs. Committee responsibilities include county-level data collection, assistance with public and stakeholder outreach and development of vision, goals, and a replicable update process. Committee members are listed HERE.
The Bike-Ped Plan was adopted by the SEDA-COG and Williamsport MPOs in May 2019 and the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership in June 2019. The Plan will be implemented by the partnering agencies and progress will be tracked regularly.
Plan Documents
- Final Plan Report
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Report
- Public Outreach Summary
- Public Survey Report
- Municipal Survey Report
- Level of Traffic Stress for Cyclists on State Roads
- Matrix of Bicycle & Pedestrian Needs
- Jersey Shore Borough Community Bicycle/Pedestrian Audit Report
- Northumberland Borough/Point Township Community Bicycle/Pedestrian Audit Report
- MSRBPP Plan Toolkit
Regional Partners
State Government
- PennDOT Bicycle Information
- PennDOT Active Transportation Plan
- 2016 Transportation Advisory Committee’s Bike/Ped Policy Study
- PennDOT Connects Initiative
- Land and Water Trail Development in Pennsylvania
Federal Government