Middle Susquehanna Regional Bike-Ped Plan

With consultant assistance and in collaboration with the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, the SEDA-COG and Williamsport MPOs developed a regional bike-ped plan for the counties along the Susquehanna River, namely Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties.

The Plan is designed to:

  • Promote the regional bicycle and pedestrian network for its varied benefits: safety, health, mobility, environment and economy.

  • Identify “missing links” in our regional bicycle and pedestrian network where future projects would help interconnect communities, including linkages to transit.

  • Identify priority projects, actions, and initiatives to improve and promote use of the network.

  • Include tools and strategies for cost-effective local improvements to make walking and riding a bicycle safer and more convenient.

Middle Susquehanna Active Transportation Committee

To develop the regional Bike-Ped Plan, SEDA-COG formed a Regional Advisory Committee. The Committee includes representatives from the seven counties, local municipalities, walking and bicycling clubs, and the SEDA-COG and Williamsport MPOs. Committee responsibilities include county-level data collection, assistance with public and stakeholder outreach and development of vision, goals, and a replicable update process. Committee members are listed HERE.

The Bike-Ped Plan was adopted by the SEDA-COG and Williamsport MPOs in May 2019 and the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership in June 2019. The Plan will be implemented by the partnering agencies and progress will be tracked regularly.