The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) Program provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation, trails that serve a transportation purpose, and safe routes to school projects.
Construction projects must have a construction cost of at least $50,000, but may not exceed $1.5 million, unless the project is of exceptional regional or statewide significance. Key criterion in the review of applications will be readiness for implementation and safety. Other criteria include, but are not limited to, consistency with local regional plans, collaboration with stakeholders, statewide or regional significance, and the sponsor’s demonstrated ability to successfully deliver the project.
Pertinent TASA information can be found on PennDOT’s website (link below), including the TASA Guidelines, Application Instructions, Application System, and Webinar recordings. The SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) helps to administer the TASA process for the following eight counties: Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union.
Those interested in learning about future Transportation Alternatives Program funding rounds should visit PennDOT’s TASA website.