The SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is required to conduct a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process. Developing a Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is an integral part of this process. The LRTP identifies transportation needs, goals, projects, and policies for at least a 20-year horizon, and it is typically updated at 5-year intervals.
The SEDA-COG MPO 2021-2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) was adopted by the SEDA-COG MPO on June 25, 2021. An electronic version of the LRTP document is available for download here. An executive summary is available as a “story map” here.
The SEDA-COG LRTP establishes the vision and objectives that guide public decisions affecting transportation facilities and services in the region. It serves as the blueprint for transportation and economic investments that address network deficiencies, safety issues, mobility constraints, accessibility limitations, and unsustainable development. SEDA-COG MPO staff coordinates development of the LRTP with residents throughout the region, a diverse steering committee, and other local, state, and federal agencies.
The LRTP contains the following main sections: Introduction, Strategic Directions, Planning Context, Regional Context, Performance Measures, Public and Stakeholder Involvement, Issues and Implications, and Plan Implementation. SEDA-COG staff is committed to annually tracking and reporting on the performance measures included in the Plan. These performance measures are designed to examine the condition of our transportation system and gauge the effectiveness of the strategies developed for implementation. Click here to view the latest data from the interactive online LRTP Performance Measures Dashboard.
The LRTP is currently in the process of being updated to reflect the years 2026-2050. The LRTP update project page can be found here.

Prior 2016-2040 LRTP Documents
For more information on long-range transportation planning activities, contact Kristin McLaughlin, 570-524-4491.