Our staff is here to help you meet your goals. Our core values are Service, Expertise, Growth, Advocacy, Innovation, and Leadership. We are a committed team of people dedicated to serving your needs and improving your quality of life. SEDA-COG builds strong economies and strong communities.
Please contact us and see how we can partner with you today!
Name | Title | Department | |
Beaver, Nina | Maintenance (PT) | Elderly Housing | |
Biddle, Sarah | Program Assistant | Community Development | sbiddle@seda-cog.org |
Bohart, Christine | Program Assistant | Weatherization | cbohart@seda-cog.org |
Brown, Robert | Director | APEX Accelerator | rbrown@seda-cog.org |
Carnes, Jamie | Fiscal Controller | Administration, Elderly Housing | jcarnes@seda-cog.org |
Cassidy, Alimara | Program Analyst | Community Revitalization | alimara.cassidy@seda-cog.org |
Clark, Scott | Senior IT Specialist | Information Technology | sclark@seda-cog.org |
Crebs, Sheila | Program Analyst | Weatherization | screbs@seda-cog.org |
Dombroski, Tyler | Director | Community Development | tdombroski@seda-cog.org |
Feese, Denise | Program Analyst | APEX Accelerator | dfeese@seda-cog.org |
Fox, Mandy | Chief | Weatherization | mfox@seda-cog.org |
Fox, Monica | Project Coordinator | Community Development | monicaf@seda-cog.org |
Frederick, Audrey | Program Analyst | Housing Rehabilitation | afrederick@seda-cog.org |
Genovese, Andrea | Program Assistant | Community Development | agenovese@seda-cog.org |
Hannon, Chris | Maintenance (PT) | Elderly Housing | |
Hartman, Vanessa | Sr. Program Analyst | Elderly Housing | vhartman@seda-cog.org |
Heebner, Jennifer | Program Analyst | Business Loans | jheebner@seda-cog.org |
Herman, Steve | Director | Transportation | sherman@seda-cog.org |
Hogan, Nikki | Fiscal Manager | Administration | nhogan@seda-cog.org |
Hosterman, Leslie | Project Coordinator | Community Development | lhosterman@seda-cog.org |
Hunselman, Angie | Senior Program Analyst | Community Development | akemberling@seda-cog.org |
Kearney High, Carol | Project Coordinator | Community Development | ckhigh@seda-cog.org |
Kerstetter, Seth | Rehabilitation Specialist | Housing Rehabilitation | skerstetter@seda-cog.org |
Kiel, Don | Sr. Principal Program Analyst | Transportation | dkiel@seda-cog.org |
Kirkner, Patti | Program Analyst | Business Loans | pkirkner@seda-cog.org |
Knepp, Larry | Maintenance | Elderly Housing | |
Konkle, Scott | Maintenance (PT) | Elderly Housing | |
Konkle, Josh | Maintenance (PT) | Elderly Housing | |
Kramer, Scott | Principal IT Specialist | Information Technology | skramer@seda-cog.org |
Kramer, Betsy | CEcD, EDP Program Manager | Community Revitalization | bkramer@seda-cog.org |
Kuhns, Jeffery | Crew Leader | Weatherization | |
Lockwood, Elizabeth | Director, Project Development/Grants | Economic Development | elockwood@seda-cog.org |
Long, Noelle | Director | Export Assistance | nlong@seda-cog.org |
Lucas, Hanorah | Project Coordinator | Community Development | hlucas@seda-cog.org |
Luzier, Brooks | Loan Officer | Business Loans | bluzier@seda-cog.org |
Lyons, Debra | Program Assistant | Community Development | dlyons@seda-cog.org |
Markley, Erik | Program Manager | Weatherization | emarkley@seda-cog.org |
Martin, Susan | Program Assistant | Elderly Housing | smartin@seda-cog.org |
Martin, Amber | Project Coordinator | Community Development | amartin@seda-cog.org |
McLaughlin, Kristin | Sr. Program Analyst | Transportation | kmclaughlin@seda-cog.org |
Miller, Rebecca | Administrative Assistant/Receptionist | Administration | rmiller@seda-cog.org |
Noll, Thomas | Auditor/Project Manager | Weatherization | |
Orner, Rose | Executive Assistant | Administration | rorner@seda-cog.org |
Osborn, Nancy | Communications and Marketing Coordinator | Administration | nosborn@seda-cog.org |
Osgood, Leslie | Chief | Elderly Housing | losgood@seda-cog.org |
Owens, Amanda | Human Resources Director | Administration | aowens@seda-cog.org |
Postupack, Kyle | Property Manager / Director of Maintenance of Way | Joint Rail Authority | kpostupack@seda-cog.org |
Reichard, John | Senior Relationship Manager II | Business Loans | jreichard@seda-cog.org |
Reichard, Cylinda | Fiscal Analyst | Elderly Housing | creichard@seda-cog.org |
Renninger, Matthew | Crew Leader | Weatherization | |
Rhodes-Wolf, Denise | Program Assistant | Economic Development | drhodeswolf@seda-cog.org |
Richard-Moyer, Tammy | Fiscal Analyst | Administration | trichard-moyer@seda-cog.org |
Shaffer, Susan | Program Assistant | Community Development | sshaffer@seda-cog.org |
Shawver, Timothy | Senior Energy Technician | Weatherization | |
Sheetz, Ron | Energy Technician | Weatherization | |
Shirey, Charles | Senior Energy Technician | Weatherization | |
Showers, Tina | Principal Program Analyst | Business Loans | tshowers@seda-cog.org |
Shrawder, Jamie | Program Manager | Community Development | jshrawder@seda-cog.org |
Smith, Karen | Program Assistant | Business Loans | ksmith@seda-cog.org |
Troup, Tonia | Project Coordinator | Community Development | ttroup@seda-cog.org |
Vial, Heather | Program Analyst | APEX Accelerator | hvial@seda-cog.org |
Wheeler, Kim | Executive Director | Administration | kwheeler@seda-cog.org |
Wiest, Ruth | Program Assistant | Business Loans, Housing Rehabilitation | rwiest@seda-cog.org |
Wilburn, Douglas | Director | Business Loans | dwilburn@seda-cog.org |