Brownfields Program

Brownfield revitalization is critical to the future of the SEDA-COG region.

Remediating contaminated sites and making them productive again supports economic development in the region and results in job creation, increase in the tax base, and a healthier environment. SEDA-COG is concentrating on brownfields redevelopment as a key strategy for economic regeneration and environmental revitalization.

What is a Brownfield?

A brownfield is a property where redevelopment, reuse, or expansion may be complicated due to the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. There are over 450,000 brownfield sites in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Benefits Of Brownfield Redevelopment

Cleaning up and reinvesting in brownfield properties increases local tax bases and creates jobs. By using existing infrastructure, it reduces the need to develop open land, helping to improve and protect the environment.

SEDA-COG's Brownfields Program

SEDA-COG’s Brownfields Program offers a comprehensive approach for addressing brownfield sites by providing support from initial site assessments to end use planning and low-interest loans for cleanup.

Site Assessment
The site assessment program uses competitively awarded funds from EPA to hire environmental consulting firms to complete Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) at prioritized sites throughout the region.

End Use Planning
The end use planning program consists of EPA funds and potentially available local matching funds for end use planning efforts in the region.

EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
The RLF uses competitively awarded funds from the EPA to provide low-interest loans to eligible entities, for the purpose of cleaning up brownfield sites in the SEDA-COG region.

Brownfields Program Informational Session

SEDA-COG held an informational session to share details about the Brownfields Program and Revolving Loan Fund. Watch the recording now to learn how these programs can support your project.

Brownfield Assessment Program

Grant funding is available throughout SEDA-COG’s 11-county region to fully cover the cost of Phase I and II ESAs. These assessments are provided at no cost to the property owner, with SEDA-COG handling the hiring and management of the environmental consultants. Both publicly and privately owned sites are eligible, but written permission for site access is required before starting a site assessment. Sites must meet EPA eligibility requirements, and the property owner cannot be considered responsible for the site contamination.

Learn more by reading the EPA Assessing Brownfield Sites fact sheet.

EPA Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)

To encourage the remediation of brownfield sites, SEDA-COG manages an EPA Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund that offers a low interest rate to assist with the cleanup costs at brownfield sites within the region. Each loan is customized to provide the greatest flexibility to the borrower.

The goal of the RLF is to help fund the cleanup of brownfield properties in order to promote reinvestment, retain or create jobs, and increase the tax base. Loans supplement other funding sources committed to the project and are structured to encourage borrowers to return properties to productive use.

The loan fund is capitalized with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Review the EPA Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund Guide to see if you may qualify for brownfield cleanup financial assistance.

Additional Resources

Brownfields Success Stories – Explore brownfield revitalization projects across Pennsylvania as compiled by the Pennsylvania DEP. 

Assessing Brownfield Sites – Understand the process of site assessment in this fact sheet published by the U.S. EPA.

EPA Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund Guide – Learn more about the RLF to find out if you qualify for financial assistance with brownfield cleanup.


Want to know more about brownfield redevelopment opportunities, potential site assessment, reuse, and cleanup? Please contact:

Betsy Kramer, CEcD, EDP 
Program Manager
Community Revitalization
570.524.4491 x7023