Request for Quote – Electrical Inspection Service

DATE: October 20, 2020
TO: Contractor
FROM: Housing Rehabilitation Department, SEDA-Council of Governments
RE: Electrical Inspection Service RFQ

Please quote on performing an electrical inspection for the following community utilizing the enclosed inspection criteria, and quote form.
Quotes for electrical inspection service will be due to SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG), 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 by 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. This is a public bid opening; therefore, all bids received will be opened at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 17, 2020.
All quotes shall be sealed and clearly marked on the outside, “Sullivan County Electrical Quote” and must be received no later than 2:00 P.M., prevailing time Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Quotes that are faxed or e-mailed cannot be accepted.

Locations: Sullivan County – County-wide

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. 1. All dwellings to be inspected will be single-family homes.
  2. 2. We will attempt to order two initial inspections at a time. The general contractor will call to order the final inspection.
  3. 3. As part of the initial inspection service, the electrical inspector shall provide SEDA-COG with a list of deficiencies and required repairs. This list of deficiencies and required repairs shall be emailed to Joel Ruch, Housing Rehabilitation Specialist, at SEDA-COG (, within ten (10) working days from the date of the request for inspection and shall be in writing.
  4. 4. The final inspection will be ordered by the contractor upon completion of all the electrical work. All final inspections shall be conducted within five (5) working days from the time the contractor calls for the inspection. The inspection results shall be emailed to Joel Ruch at SEDA-COG (

Prices shall be good for two (2) years from the date of the Agreement should your firm be the successful proposer. Addendums for cost increases can be submitted during the contract period for consideration.

We welcome any suggestions or recommendations you may have to improve our program.

Please feel free to call me should you have any questions or require any additional information concerning this Request for Quotes. I can be reached at 800-326-9310, ext. 7253, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

John Dorin Municipal Building Request for Quote


Montoursville Borough proposes to use Community Development Block Grant funds to procure an engineer or architect for the design and construction supervision of the removal of architectural barriers at the John Dorin Municipal Building, 617 Loyalsock Ave, Montoursville, PA. The Borough is hereby requesting quotes for the purchase of these services, which include all necessary design and specifications for the bidding of and contracting for the John Dorin Municipal Building Removal of Architectural Barriers project. Complete quote details, including the required quote
format, may be obtained by contacting:

Kristin McLaughlin, Project Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Quotes will be accepted until 10:00 AM, prevailing time, November 18, 2020, at which time they will be publicly opened at the John Dorin Municipal Building, 617 Loyalsock Avenue, Montoursville, PA 17754. Quotes that are faxed or e-mailed cannot be accepted. Quotes shall be on the forms required, including the attached “Standard Estimate,” be sealed and clearly
marked on the outside, “Engineering/Architectural Services Quote,” and submitted to:

Ginny Gardner, Borough Secretary/Treasurer
Montoursville Borough
617 Loyalsock Avenue
Montoursville, PA 17754

A pre-quote meeting will be held at the John Dorin Muncipal Building at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Attendance at this meeting will provide interested Engineers/Architects with an opportunity to see the facility and discuss proposed changes to the building.

Request for Proposals – Weatherization Subcontractors

Call for Subcontractors

Project: WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM For ongoing services in Columbia, Juniata, Lycoming, Luzerne, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, and Union counties. This project is fully supported by grant funds that are administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), Pennsylvania Department of Health and Human Services (DHS), Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), and SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG).

Scope of Work
SEDA-COG is seeking to establish and maintain a list of qualified contractors who can perform and install electrical, heat system repair and replacement measures, radon mitigation, mold removal, asbestos abatement and minor roofing repairs in program‐eligible homes located in Columbia, Juniata, Lycoming, Luzerne, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, and Union counties. The Agency reserves the right to accept or reject contractors for the contract year based on the number of active contractors already in its contractor pool. Professional Service contractors (electricians, plumbers, HVAC, radon mitigators, asbestos abatement contractors, mold removal contractors, and roofing contractors) will submit hourly billing rate information as part of the RFP. The duration of a contract awarded as a result of this Proposal will be for one year from November 1, 2020 through October 31, 2021.

Subcontractors that demonstrate qualifications and meet all the requirements will be considered a qualified contractor and may be eligible for a contract to provide services as required by SEDA-COG.

Subcontractors SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE for third party post-installation inspections of the work completed, if applicable. Being on the contractor list and having an active contract DOES NOT guarantee any work.


  • • Subcontractors wishing to be considered for Weatherization work must submit Subcontractor Application Form and executed Agreement for Subcontractor Services for Activities.
  • • Subcontractors will be required to carry all applicable certifications required to perform their applicable scope of work.
  • • It is required that all prospective Subcontractors visit the following websites and read the Core Competencies for the Weatherization Assistance Program prior to requesting program participation. The document provides guidance for the Subcontractor of the expectations and standards required for participation in the Weatherization program. The website is located at
  • • Also, the Standard Weatherization Specifications may be found at Subcontractors working this program will be held to these standard requirements. All work performed under this contract will be subject to a Quality Control Inspection by a SEDA-COG inspector and held to the standards set forth by the Standard Weatherization Specifications as stated above. Installation or repair services must pass the SEDA-COG Quality Control Inspection and if applicable, receive all third-party inspection approvals prior to the release of any payment for the services rendered by the contractor.
  • • Any Subcontractor who is found listed on the Federal Debarment List will not be allowed to participate.
  • • Subcontractors will be required to carry Commercial General Liability with SEDA-COG listed as a certificate holder and additional insured, as follows $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury, $2,000,000 Products-Complete Operations and $2,000,000 Aggregate Limit. Contractors shall also be listed as a PA Home Improvement Contractor licensee through the Office of the Attorney General.
  • • Once a Subcontractor is accepted, they are subject to all the terms and conditions of the contracts obtained by the SEDA-COG. Those terms and conditions become an addendum to SEDA-COG contract with the Subcontractor and/or its contractor(s).
  • • The Subcontractor is required to submit detailed analysis, testing, photos, and documentation to SEDA-COG. Per state guidelines, SEDA-COG is required to receive at least two (2) separate quotes from Subcontractors prior to executing work performed that will cost over $5,000.
  • • Inquiries should be directed to Kristy Heintzelman, WX Program Analyst at 570-522-7247. Application packets may be picked up at our Weatherization office at 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or mailed to the contractor at their request. All proposals will need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and delivered either by mail or in person to SEDA-COG WX, 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 by Friday, October 23, 2020 no later than 2:00pm and shall be marked, “WX Subcontractor Work”. All submitted applications will become the exclusive property of SEDA-COG.




Loyalsock Township proposes to use Community Development Block Grant funds to procure an engineer to reconstruct curb cuts and handicap ramps at multiple locations in the Township. The Township is hereby requesting quotes for the purchase of these services, which include all necessary design and specifications for the bidding of and contracting for the Curb Cuts & Handicap Ramp Reconstruction. Complete quote details, including the required quote format, may be obtained by contacting:

Shannon Rudy, Project Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Quotes will be accepted until 2:00 PM, prevailing time, October 22, 2020, at which time they will be publicly opened at the Loyalsock Township Building, 2501 East Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. Quotes that are faxed or e-mailed cannot be accepted.  Quotes shall be on the forms required, including the attached “Standard Estimate,” be sealed
and clearly marked on the outside, “Engineering Services Quote,” and submitted to:

Bill Burdett, Township Manager
Loyalsock Township
2501 East Third Street
Williamsport, PA 17701