SEDA-COG Announces New Chief of Community Services

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) is pleased to announce that Teri Provost, a 15-year staffer, will be taking on the role of Chief in the newly formed Community Services Division.

The Community Services Division (CSD) will encompass SEDA-COG’s Community Development, Flood Resiliency, Housing Rehabilitation, and Community Revitalization programs. In the CSD, the intentionally coordinated efforts of these departments will further allow SEDA-COG to respond to community needs in a more comprehensive way. These efforts will ultimately provide improved service opportunities to our member counties and regional communities.

Provost worked in SEDA-COG’s Community Development Program for 9 years before becoming the Director of Housing Rehabilitation and Flood Resiliency. Throughout her 15-year career at SEDA-COG, she has prepared numerous grant applications and has proficient experience with Federal Emergency Management Agency and Housing and Urban Development programs.

Provost has been a member of The Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) since 2018 and serves as the Chapter District 2 Director. This position has a 2-year term.

She also serves as past chair of the Pennsylvania Association of State Floodplain Managers (PAFPM) board. Her board appointment is from January to December 2022. Before this appointment, Teri held the Vice Chair position with PAFPM from January to December 2021. 

Provost has also developed and managed public works projects throughout the central Pennsylvania counties served by SEDA-COG. Additionally, she is a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) and has administered several state- and federally-funded buyouts and residential elevation projects in flood-prone communities.

“My top priority is to ensure that our Agency can serve the Region for years to come in a truly impactful manner, not only by leveraging grant funding opportunities, but also by building long lasting meaningful relationships. In the CSD, the orchestration of multiple aspects of municipal assistance will provide a comprehensive community approach to community resiliency, augmented by diversity in leadership and innovation,” Provost said.

SEDA-COG Executive Director Kim Wheeler said Provost’s background has prepared her perfectly to take on this role.

“Teri has been with SEDA-COG for 15 years and has had the opportunity to work in several departments and grow her expertise in each area. She embodies a collaborative spirit and I truly believe that her skills and abilities are going to take SEDA-COG to new heights in this role,” Wheeler said.

Provost earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology from Clarion University in 2002.

Provost is grateful for the opportunity to deepen the partnerships between SEDA-COG and our surrounding municipalities. 

“This role will allow our Region to maximize collaboration, funding opportunities and expertise.  I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work with so many talented staff in our communities, with our partners, with grant funding agencies, and certainly within our office location,” Provost said.

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit

Public Notice: West End and Fishing Creek Flood Mitigation Studies Final Reports

The final reports for the West End and Fishing Creek Flood Mitigation Studies are now posted online.

With the support of Representative Millard and Senator Gordner, funding was secured for these pioneering studies. The Columbia County Board of Commissioners, working with SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG), engaged Borton-Lawson to develop the West End Flood Mitigation Study and Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG) to develop the Fishing Creek Flood Mitigation Study. The goals of the studies were to:

• detect flooding problem areas within the County’s 18 municipalities/West End of the Town of Bloomsburg,

• identify best approaches that can be implemented by the County to mitigate flood impacts, reduce flood risk and improve residents’ quality of life,

• highlight mitigation options for the problems identified and implementable projects offered as a solution to those problems.

Both final reports can be found on the County’s Resiliency Office website,  and also on SEDA-COG’s website, . The Columbia County Board of Commissioners have already begun the next steps and will continue to implement resiliency measures as a result of the studies.

The study kicked off with a combined public meeting in July 2021, two separate follow up public meetings held at the end of November and beginning of December 2021, and final meetings held in March 2022. Presentation slides and other materials can also be found at the website links above.

SEDA-COG assisted Columbia County in the grant administration of the studies. The studies were financed by grants from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth Financing Authority and the Department of Community and Economic Development.

SEDA-COG is a community and economic development agency in Lewisburg and is one of seven Local Development Districts in Pennsylvania. SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in the 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives.

Lewisburg Borough Seeks Proposals on Flood Mitigation Study

The Borough of Lewisburg is seeking proposals from firms that wish to provide consulting services to undertake a Borough-wide flood mitigation study to improve the Borough’s ability to withstand a flooding event, minimize damages, and recover rapidly. This project has been financed in part by a Strategic Management Planning Program Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Department of Community and Economic Development.

The Borough is working in cooperation with SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) to solicit Professional Service Providers to undertake the study. The Request for Proposals (RFP) describes the project, the anticipated scope of services, the required consultant expertise and experience, and the information that must be included in the proposal. Failure to submit information in accordance with the RFP requirements and procedures may be cause for disqualification.

Required proposal format details may be obtained by contacting SEDA-COG’s Geralee Zeigler, Program Analyst, at

Proposal details are also available at

The Borough of Lewisburg will evaluate written proposals on the basis of thoroughness, completeness, content, experience, and capacity. The Borough and/or its Agent may conduct interviews with the top ranked proposers.

“Floods have always been a part of life here in Lewisburg. In order to sustain the health and well-being of our citizens for years to come, we have to be proactive in mitigating potential flood damage. This an opportunity for us to learn more about how to protect our homes, our residents, and the community we all love,” said Steven Beattie, Lewisburg Borough’s Community Development and Grant Manager.

Proposals will be accepted until 11:00 AM prevailing time on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposals shall be on the forms required, sealed and clearly marked on the outside, “Consulting Services Proposal – Flood Mitigation Study”, and submitted to Mr. Steven Beattie, Lewisburg Borough, 55 South Fifth Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837.

Proposals that are faxed or e-mailed cannot be accepted.

SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency Program offers services related to flood resiliency and mitigation assistance both within and outside of its 11-county region. Its goal is to help break the damage cycle and stop its drain on people and communities. For more information, visit

For more information, please contact Elaine Stauder, communications coordinator, SEDA-Council of Governments, at 570-522-7249 or

SEDA-COG and Red Cross Partner for Training

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, from 9-10 a.m., SEDA-COG and the American Red Cross are partnering to host an Emergency Action Plan training session, light refreshments will be served. This event will be held at the Central PA Chamber of Commerce, 30 Lawton Lane Milton, PA 17847. Registration is required for this event. The link to register for this event can be found here:

During the pandemic, it was discovered that 40 percent of businesses fail following a disaster. With the use of, this training will provide the tools for non-profits, businesses of all sizes, and more to become equipped to face any kind of emergencies.

This in-person workshop delivers the means and the contacts for businesses to work at their own pace to upgrade their level of preparedness. There are tools to enhance already existing emergency plans and to build plans from scratch.

“It’s important to prepare for possible emergencies because they can strike suddenly at any time and any place. There are three steps everyone can take that can help make a difference: be prepared, get connected, and take action,” states the Emergency Preparedness Guide from the American Red Cross.

SEDA-COG is a community and economic development agency in Lewisburg and is one of seven Local Development Districts in Pennsylvania. SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in the 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives.

For more information, please contact Elaine Stauder, communications coordinator, SEDA-Council of Governments, at 570-522-7249 or