Board officers for SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) were elected at the Dec. 7 public meeting.
The 2022 SEDA-COG Board of Directors’ officers will be Mifflin County Commissioner Kevin Kodish, president; Centre County Commissioner Mark Higgins, first vice president; Montour County Commissioner Ken Holdren, second vice president; Larry Reisinger of Perry County, secretary; and Dennis Van Benthuysen of Snyder County, treasurer.
The 2021 officers were Juniata County Commissioner Mark Partner, president; Kodish, first vice president; Higgins, second vice president; Reisinger, secretary; and Van Benthuysen, treasurer.
Kodish said he is looking forward to serving as board president in the new year.
“Serving as board president for 2022, I look forward to continued service with our dedicated board of directors and our professional staff. Together, we will continue to administer existing programs and identify new opportunities to encourage and support long-term economic growth. These efforts serve to strengthen the quality of life throughout our 11-county SEDA-COG region.”
SEDA-COG Executive Director Kim Wheeler thanked outgoing board President Mark Partner for his service to the agency.
“Board President Partner has done an exemplary job leading throughout unprecedented times. We deeply appreciate his guidance,” Wheeler said. “We are eager to see what we can accomplish with Commissioner Kodish at the helm.”
Board member appointments and reappointments took place in January. The SEDA-COG board is a 22-member, county-based policy board representing both public and private sectors.
As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit
For more information, please contact Elaine Stauder, communications coordinator, SEDA-Council of Governments, at 570-522-7429 or