Request for Proposals – Professional Engineering Services

The Borough of Marion Heights is seeking engineering proposals for reconstruction of Clermont Street to include storm water drainage upgrades, milling, and paving.

Complete proposal details, including the required proposal format, may be obtained by contacting:

Linda Sterling, Program Analyst

Proposals will be accepted until 3:00 PM prevailing time, May 14, 2021, at which time they will be publicly opened at the SEDA-COG offices located at 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg PA 17837. Proposals shall be on the forms required, sealed and clearly marked on the outside, “Engineering Services Proposal Clermont Street Reconstruction” and submitted to:

Linda Sterling, Program Analyst
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Proposals that are faxed or e-mailed to SEDA-COG cannot be accepted.