Request for Proposals: Centre County Rural Broadband Deployment

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) is requesting proposals for broadband deployment from Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISP), to expand broadband service in and around the Snowshoe area within Centre County. The purpose of this RFP is to provide a minimum of 100/100mb service to businesses and residents within the project areas. The selected proposal will be eligible to apply for up to $210,000 in reimbursable grants funded in part by the Appalachian Region Commission (ARC) and the Keystone Communities Program.

Complete proposal details, including the required proposal format, may be obtained from the downloads below or by contacting:

Scott Kramer, Principal IT Specialist
SEDA Council of Governments
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Proposals will be accepted until 2:00pm prevailing time, Thursday, December 30st, 2021, at which time they will be publicly opened at the offices of SEDA-COG. Proposals shall be on the forms required, sealed, and clearly marked on the outside, “CENTRE COUNTY RURAL BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT PROPOSAL,” and submitted to:

Scott Kramer, Principal IT Specialist
SEDA Council of Governments
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Proposals that are faxed or e-mailed to SEDA-COG cannot be accepted.


RFP – Centre County Rural Broadband Deployment (final)
RFP – Centre County Rural Broadband Deployment – Attachment A
KMZ – Centre County Rural Broadband Deployment (Snowshoe Township Area)

Question and Answer

Q: Is a one time fee charged by a third party to provide fiber to a given location an eligible cost, or is that considered construction?
A: It would depend of the situation. If you are purchasing fiber from a third party that is already established, then no, it would not be consider construction. However, if you are contracting with the third party to install fiber, then it would be construction, and not eligible for reimbursement through the grant funds.

Q: What is included in construction costs? Can you give more details on this?
A: Any action that would consist of moving or disturbing soil. For example, burring conduit for fiber would be considered construction. Hanging fiber on poles or running fiber within existing conduit would not be considered construction.

Q: Are one time colocation fees an eligible expense?
A: Yes. As long as the colocation fees do not include any type of construction.

Q: Can you provide additional information on the target area, and what internet options are available in this area already?
A: Existing provider information can be found on the FCC Form 477 interactive map.

Q: Based on our review of the project area, there appears to be 216 addresses in the highlighted area. Are there other homes that we should be reaching, or should we only follow the area outlined on the map?
A: The 350-360 households were estimates. Follow the area outlined within the map and KMZ file as the project area.

Q: Can you share information on the 7 businesses that were identified in this project?
A: We visited a number of businesses within and outside the project area. The RFP reads that a minimum of 100/100mb service must be made available to 100% percent of 7 businesses within the project area. We do not specify which businesses; this is to enable the providers to have flexibility in developing their proposals by not specifying particular businesses, only that 7 must have service available to them.


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