COVID relief grant for Centre County hospitality businesses opens March 15

A new COVID relief grant for eligible hospitality industry businesses opens for applications March 15, 2021.

The Centre County Commissioners are urging businesses to apply as soon as possible for the COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program (CHIRP) grants since funds may be quickly exhausted.

Businesses can apply at the Community Giving Foundation’s website at from March 15, 2021 until the funds are exhausted or June 15, 2021.

Grants will range from $5,000 to $50,000 and the funds will alleviate revenue losses and pay eligible operating expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Centre County Commissioner Michael Pipe said that the new grant program is a much-needed lifeline to businesses during this time.

“We know that businesses in our county continue to experience loss from the pandemic. This grant program provides critical funding to our hospitality industry and we hope as many businesses as possible apply,” Pipe said.

The county has contracted with SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) to manage their $1.8 million grant program on their behalf. SEDA-COG will receive the applications and determine eligibility and grant amounts in partnership with Harry Mathias, a contractor with SEDA-COG who also served as a former math teacher and Central Columbia Schools superintendent. SEDA-COG also will disburse the funds to awarded businesses.

Mike Fisher, SEDA-COG assistant executive director, said SEDA-COG is honored to partner with its counties on this effort to help the local hospitality industry.

“We are honored to be able to further assist our counties in this way. We know that the economic effects of the pandemic have crippled our local hospitality industry, so we trust this will alleviate some of that pain. This pandemic has left gaping holes of need and we are here to help our communities and businesses meet those needs,” Fisher said.

Eligible hospitality industry businesses include hotels, restaurants, bars, and taverns. These businesses must fall within eligible industry codes which include the Accommodations subsector (721) or Food Services and Drinking Places subsector (722).

Eligibility includes, but is not limited to, having fewer than 300 full-time employees; a net worth that does not exceed $15 million; a 25% reduction in gross receipts in 2020 compared to 2019; and be located within Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, or Union counties.

Priority will be given to businesses that did not already receive COVID relief funds; that were subject to closure following the disaster emergency declared by Gov. Tom Wolf on March 6, 2020; or had more than a 50% reduction in gross receipts from March 31, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020 compared to the same time period in 2019. For a full listing of eligibility requirements and prioritization guidelines, visit

The grant program was created from Act 1 of 2021, which was passed Feb. 5. Statewide, it provides $145 million in funding assistance to the hospitality industry businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through the state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). 

For more information, contact SEDA-COG Grants Manager Betsy Lockwood at 570-522-7265 or

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit

Homelessness prevention grant deadline extended for Juniata County residents

The Juniata County Commissioners have extended the deadline to apply for a homelessness prevention grant to March 29. The previous deadline was March 1.

The Resident Subsistence Program is being offered in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to support hard-hit residents and is funded with a $68,130 entitlement Community Development Block Grant-CARES Act (CDBG-CV).

Residents at risk of losing their housing in Juniata County may be eligible to receive up to $5,000 to prevent homelessness.

The grants can be used to pay utility payments to prevent cutoff of service.

Each eligible family may receive up to $5,000, paid directly to the landlord, or utility company on their behalf. Funds will not be given directly to families. Assistance is available for up to 90 days per family.

­­­­SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) is managing the program on behalf of the county, administering the CDBG funds, and ensuring compliance. SEDA-COG will provide the grants to residents, as allocated by the county.

Applicants must be at risk of losing their housing. Homeowners must provide documentation from the mortgage holder showing payments in arrears and renters must sign the self-certification eviction form. Assistance can be made to families who are low-to-moderate income, based on federal guidelines. Applicants must complete an income verification interview to qualify for this program.

Applications and other necessary documentation can be found at Due to COVID-19, appointments will be done virtually or via phone. For anyone who does not have access to a computer or internet, please call 1-800-332-6701.

Please send all necessary application documentation to SEDA-COG’s Heather Kelly-Weisen by postal mail or email at 201 Furnace Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837, or no later than March 29.

SEDA-COG’s Community Development program administers 14 CDBG contracts for 28 communities. Over 35 years, the program has secured $120 billion for over 1,000 projects with its 12 dedicated staff.

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit

Businesses: Survey open for more COVID assistance

Businesses in an 11-county region have the opportunity to complete a COVID-19 impact survey whose results will help SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) further respond to the needs of businesses during this time.

The survey has been developed to gauge the impact of the pandemic on overall business operations, as well as if and how businesses have successfully adjusted.

The survey questions include, but are not limited to, if the business and their staff have adequate internet access; adaptations they’ve made; types of services and assistance they need; and if they are interested in collaborating with other business owners.

It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and businesses are asked to complete the survey by April 15.

Businesses should be located within the following counties: Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, and Union.

SEDA-COG is a Lewisburg-based agency that builds strong economies and communities by partnering with, investing in, and revitalizing local companies and communities.

Betsy Lockwood, SEDA-COG grants manager, said this is a tool to provide further assistance to businesses.

“While we have helped hundreds of businesses since the start of COVID-19, we created this survey realizing that businesses are still struggling one year into the pandemic. It is essential to capture the type of help and level of assistance businesses in our region need to continue fostering our local economy. The results also will identify ongoing and future responses needed during these unprecedented times,” Lockwood said. “The pandemic has created large gaps of need, and one of SEDA-COG’s primary roles is to bridge those gaps and help businesses and communities to meet their needs and empower them to reach their goals.”

The survey can be taken at

For more information about the survey, contact Frankie Hockenbrocht at or 570-522-7289.

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit

Discounted elevation certificates for Lewisburg homeowners

Lewisburg homeowners who live in the 100-year floodplain can get discounted elevation certificates that can reduce their flood insurance costs.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) elevation certificates cost $700 for these homeowners. This is a discounted group price that SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) negotiated with Orangeville Surveying Consultants Inc. Without the discount, the rate can be as expensive as $2,000.

Residents must own and occupy their homes.

Geralee Zeigler, a program analyst in SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency program, explained how elevation certificates can reduce flood insurance premiums.

“Your insurance agent will use the elevation certificate to compare your building’s elevation to the Base Flood Elevation shown on the map being used for rating and determine the cost to cover your flood risk,” Zeigler said. “If the elevation certificate shows your property at a high elevation, it will lower your flood insurance cost.”

Zeigler said the certificates also can help when homeowners want to sell their homes.

“Not only can elevation certificates greatly reduce flood insurance premiums, they also make a home more attractive for buyers since the buyer will know where the house stands in relation to the floodplain and knowing they’ll have less of a flood insurance cost,” Zeigler said.

Interested homeowners can contact Zeigler at or 570-524-4491 ext. 7218.

SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency Program offers services related to flood resiliency and mitigation assistance both within and outside of its 11-county region. Its goal is to help break the damage cycle and stop its drain on people and communities. For more information, visit

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit