The Snyder County Commissioners, on behalf of Selinsgrove Borough, plan to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for Federal Community Development Block Grant-Corona Virus (CDBG-CV) funds. For CDBG-CV 2020 funds, Selinsgrove Borough has been allocated $65,146. These funds are to be used in the prevention, preparedness, or response to the COVID 19 Pandemic.

A Special Public Hearing followed by a Special Council Meeting to continue discussions from the June 1, 2020 Council Meeting and to select Covid-19 response projects for funding will be held on June 8, 2020, at 7:00 pm.

The meeting will take place as a virtual video web and tele conference. The public is invited to observe and participate in the meeting as follows: To access via web video, type the link:; To access via telephone dial +1(470)8692200 and enter Meeting ID: 148 109 3279. The meeting will be recorded. The meeting platform is accessible to persons with disabilities. If accommodations are needed for those with special needs related to language, sight, or hearing, please call 570-522-7241.

Selinsgrove Borough does not discriminate in access to, participation in, or treatment or employment in its federally funded programs or services. In the event the public believes that discrimination, denied accessibility, or denied equal opportunity has occurred, the Snyder County Section 504 officer Anthony L. Phillips, Chief Clerk, may be reached at (570) 837-4208.

Technical assistance will be provided upon request to any groups or persons, especially LMI persons or their representatives, when developing proposals intending to use CDBG funds. The Selinsgrove Borough Council will strive to make all programs and activities accessible to the learning, mobility, vision, hearing, and language-impaired persons. If you have a disability or limited English proficiency and require an auxiliary aid or accommodations, please contact Shannon Rudy at SEDA-COG, 1-800-332-6701, 1-800-654-5984 TTY, 1-800-654-5988 TDD to discuss your needs. Translators will be available upon request.

Any complaints should be written and submitted to Shannon Rudy at SEDA-COG. Written responses will be addressed within 15 working days when practicable.

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