REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – Juniata County Pandemic Plan and Infectious Disease Training

Request for Quote

Juniata County is requesting proposals for the purchase of professional services. These services include all necessary design, planning and all other preparation for the Juniata County Pandemic Plan and Infectious Disease Training. Complete proposal details, including the required proposal format, may be obtained by contacting:

Heather Kelly-Weisen, Project Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837
(570) 524-4491

Proposals will be accepted until February 22, 2021 prevailing time, 5:00 PM, at which time they will be publicly opened. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this opening will be held virtually. To participate, please go to the following link:, or you may dial+1(470)869-2200 and enter Meeting ID:148 818 4112.Proposals shall be on the forms required, sealed and clearly marked on the outside, “Professional Services Quotation,” and submitted to:

Heather Kelly-Weisen, Project Coordinator
SEDA-Council of Governments
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Juniata County will evaluate written proposals on the basis of thoroughness, completeness, content, experience, and capacity. The County and/or its Agent may choose to hold interviews with the top-ranked proposers.

Proposals that are faxed or e-mailed to SEDA-COG cannot be accepted.