The City of Sunbury plans to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for Federal Community Development Block Grant-Corona Virus (CDBG-CV) funds.  For CDBG-CV 2020 funds, the City of Sunbury has been allocated an estimated $193,732.  These funds are to be used in the prevention, preparedness or response to the COVID 19 Pandemic.

A Public Hearing for the City of Sunbury will be held on May 21, 2020, at 6:00 PM.  Keeping with federal and state guidelines regarding COVID 19, this meeting will take place as a virtual video web and tele conference. The public is invited to observe and participate in the workshop as follows: To access via web video, type the link:  To access via telephone dial +1(470)8692200 and enter Meeting ID: 838 395 1780. The meeting will be recorded. The meeting platform is accessible to persons with disabilities. If accommodations are needed for those with special needs related to language, sight, or hearing, please call 570-524-4491, ext. 7279 at least five days in advance.

What needs, related to COVID 19, have emerged in the City and need addressed?

Eligible projects must: 
Benefit low-moderate income populations 
Respond to Urgent Need 
Reduce Slum/blight 
All projects must prevent, prepare for, or respond to COVID 19 

Eligible Project Examples Include:
Public Services – food banks, senior centers, homeless shelters
Purchase of PPE for public facilities
Temporary Rental or Mortgage Assistance

The Public is encouraged to attend the hearing on May 21 at 6 PM and present project ideas.  In addition, the public may present ideas to Mitzi Gallagher-Long by email: or by phone at 570-524-4491, ext. 7279