During the 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania Commonwealth Awards, held virtually on December 15, 2021, the Plan GoShamokin project received the 2020 & 2021 Plans and Policy Initiative Award.
As stated on the 10,000 Friends website, the Commonwealth Awards honor projects, plans and initiatives that demonstrate smart growth, community resilience, and equity principles in action. The awards recognize individuals, businesses, and organizations with the vision to find new uses for vacant and underutilized land, increase opportunities and access for all in communities on the rise, and breathe new life into older neighborhoods.
According to The Shamokin Area Implementation Plan, “GoShamokin responds to a community driven desire to proactively reinvent itself. The plan focuses on a combination on of public/civic realm investments in infrastructure and public spaces combined with programs and resources that can be tapped to partner with the private sector to stimulate building rehabilitation and business expansion. This layered approach to economic development emphasizing ‘placemaking’ fosters the greatest potential for creating jobs, reducing crime, enhancing community pride, and elevating the overall quality-of-life for all of Shamokin’s residents.”
Sean Garrigan, the Principal with Stromberg Garrigan and Associates (SGA) – the lead firm contracted with the City to prepare the plan, submitted the plan for consideration of an award. “SGA was honored that 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania awarded our Plan GoShamokin project a Commonwealth Award. SGA was supported by Urban Partners and the KSA Group on the effort; Plan GoShamokin was completed in October 2020 for SEDA-COG on behalf of the City of Shamokin and provided a 5-year implementation plan for economic revitalization in downtown Shamokin. SGA is currently working to create a pocket park in Shamokin called Illumination Station, a direct result of the recommendations in the plan. Thank you to 10,000 Friends for the honor,” said Garrigan.
“The GoShamokin plan has provided direction for the momentum of many different organizations at work in the city. The recognition is a huge honor and it’s exciting to see so many aspects from the GoShamokin Plan happening – including the Illumination Station Pocket Park, Hydrology & Hydraulic (H&H) Study, U.S. EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Book Rewrite, and more,” said Betsy Kramer, Revitalization Coordinator at SEDA-COG.
SEDA-COG is a community and economic development agency in Lewisburg and is one of seven Local Development Districts in Pennsylvania. SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in the 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives.
For more information, please contact Elaine Stauder, communications coordinator, SEDA-Council of Governments, at 570-522-7429 or estauder@seda-cog.org