Home heating assistance program through SEDA-COG extended

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) season has been extended through April 30. It ordinarily ends at the beginning of April.

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) offers a Crisis program to residents who qualify for LIHEAP fuel assistance. This program repairs malfunctioning heating units at no cost.

SEDA-COG’s Weatherization program serves a seven-county area: Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Perry, Snyder, and Union.

Residents should contact their local county assistance office to see if they qualify.

If residents don’t qualify for LIHEAP or Crisis assistance, they may still qualify for SEDA-COG’s Weatherization services. SEDA-COG’s Weatherization services may provide furnace repair, although it is not immediate help, as it would be through Crisis. SEDA-COG’s Weatherization program can be reached at 570-522-7219.

Crisis Income Eligibility Guidelines 

Family size: 1 – $19,140; 2 – $25,860​; 3 – $32,580; 4 – $39,300; 5 – $46,020; 6 – $52,740; 7 – $59,460; 8 – $66,180​. 

County Assistance Offices

Columbia: 570-387-4232

Juniata: 717-436-2158

Mifflin: 717-242-6095

Montour: 1-866-410-2093

Perry: 717-582-5038

Snyder: 570-372-1721

Union: 570-524-2201

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit www.seda-cog.org.