SEDA-Council of Governments proposes to use a recently approved USDA Rural Business Development Grant to create a marketing brochure. Proposals are requested for the graphic design and printing of these materials. Complete proposal details, including the required proposal format, may be obtained by downloading the RFP below or contacting:

Betsy Kramer, Revitalization Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Proposals will be accepted until November 16th, 2020 at 3:00pm when they will be publicly opened at the SEDA-COG Board Room. Cost proposal on the form provided on the last page (6) of this document, WBE/MBE certification (if applicable) and two (2) samples of previous work should be sealed in an envelope and clearly marked on the outside, “Graphic Design/Printing Services Proposal,” and submitted to:

Betsy Kramer, Revitalization Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Proposals that are faxed or e-mailed to SEDA-COG cannot be accepted.