The City of Sunbury proposes to use a recently approved American Rescue Plan Funds for the professional engineering services for the Market Street Streetscape project which is funded through the federal Transportation Alternative Set-Aside (TASA) funds. The following narrative outlines the major responsibilities of the proposers. These responsibilities include the entire project design to final inspection. It should be recognized by all proposers that the Scope of Services included herewith might exclude some minor, incidental Engineering responsibilities not currently identifiable.
Proposals shall include the attached “Standard Engineering Estimate” and be submitted to:
Jamie Shrawder, Project Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837
All proposals shall be sealed and clearly marked on the outside, “Engineering Services Proposal for Market Street Streetscape Project,” and must be received by 1:00pm, prevailing time, February 7, 2023, at which time they will be publicly opened at the SEDA-COG Offices.
Questions regarding this proposal should be directed to:
Jamie Shrawder, Project Coordinator
201 Furnace Road
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Download: Enginnering RFQ-Market Street