Final Notice: Union County CDBG Application

RUN DATE: July 23, 2020
CONTACT: Mitzi Gallagher-Long, (570) 524-4491


On or about October 28, 2020, Union County plans to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for FFY 2020 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $466,962. Based on this amount, the County ($248,078), along with Lewisburg Borough ($111,028), and Kelly Township ($107,856), propose to allocate CDBG funds to the following activities:


  1. Buffalo Township Southern Sewer System Rehab $ 181,200
  2. UCHA Housing Rehabilitation $ 24,778

TOTAL $248,078


  1. Emergency Notification System $92,428
  2. ADMINISTRATION $ 18,600

TOTAL $111,028


  1. Kelly Apartments Sidewalk $89,756

TOTAL $107,856

In addition, Union County on behalf of Kelly Township, intends to submit a budget for its FFY 2016 and FFY 2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (PA DCED) on or before August 15, 2020. The budget is as follows:

FFY 2016
ACTIVITY: Township Park Restrooms
Current Budget: $78,044; $(78,044); $0.00

Current Budget: $0.00; $78,044 ; $78,044

FFY 2017
ACTIVITY: Township Park Restrooms
Current Budget: $77,146; $(77,146); $0.00

Current Budget: $0.00; $77,146 ; $77,146

A Public Hearing to receive comments on the proposed use of the CDBG funds for FFY 2020 and the proposed Budget Modifications for FFY 2016 and FFY 2017 will be held on August 4, at 10:30 AM. Keeping with federal and state guidelines regarding COVID 19, this meeting will take place as a virtual video web and tele conference. The public is invited to observe and participate in the hearing as follows: To access via web video, type the link: To access via telephone dial +1(470)869-2200 and enter Meeting ID: 838 395 1780. The meeting will be recorded. The meeting platform is accessible to persons with disabilities. If accommodations are needed for those with special needs related to language, sight, or hearing, please call (570)524-4491 at least five days in advance. Interested applicants should contact the Union County Commissioners as soon as possible for funding consideration, but in no case later than August 4, 2020. Following the Public Hearing, the Union County Commissioners will consider the approval of the Budget Modifications for FFY 2016 and FFY 2017 at the August 4, 2020 Commissioners Meeting at 2:00 PM. The Union County Commissioners will consider the approval of the CDBG FFY 2020 application at the September 1, 2020 Commissioners Meeting at 2:00 PM.

The Union County Commissioners will strive to make all programs and activities accessible to the learning, mobility, vision, hearing, and language-impaired persons. If you have a disability or limited English proficiency and require an auxiliary aid or accommodations, please contact Kristen Lloyd at SEDA-COG, 1-800-332-6701, 1-800-654-5984 TTY, 1-800-654-5988 TDD, to discuss your needs. Translators will be available upon request.

Any complaints should be written and submitted to Mitzi Gallagher-Long, at SEDA-COG. Written responses will be addressed within 15 working days when practicable.

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Lewisburg to renew certificate for flood insurance discounts

Lewisburg Borough is preparing to renew a certification through the Community Rating System (CRS) that gives its residents a flood insurance discount.

The Borough is currently a Class 8 community through the CRS which provides a 10% premium discount for all properties in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), and a 5% discount for all other properties. If your area is not mapped as an SFHA, you may qualify for a lower-cost Preferred Risk Policy.

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) is assisting Lewisburg with its CRS recertification process.

“The Borough of Lewisburg annually attempts to remind its residents that flooding can be a problem through mailings and various media outlets. It is our hope that in providing good information to the residents, they will be equipped to make informed decisions regarding flood insurance and mitigation actions,” said Geralee Zeigler, SEDA-COG Flood Resiliency program analyst.

Flood information is available in the Lewisburg Borough Office and the Public Library for Union County. Library hours are 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturdays (closed Sundays.) Vulnerable population hours are 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays.

For more information, contact Borough Manager William Lowthert at 570-523-3614.

SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency Program offers services related to flood resiliency and mitigation assistance both within and outside of its 11-county region. Its goal is to help break the damage cycle and stop its drain on people and communities. For more information, visit

SEDA-COG MPO adopts transportation plan for eight-county region

The SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) adopted in late June one of its major transportation plans for an eight-county region that includes Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties.

The adoption of the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) signals the successful completion of a year-long effort that engaged county officials, municipalities, transit operators, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, other key stakeholders, and the public.

The TIP is the agreed-upon list of priority projects in the SEDA-COG MPO region. The program has a total of 229 projects to be addressed over the next four years.

“Despite the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic and constrained funding, this is a key update for the region because we continue to collaboratively advance and invest in the region’s transportation network,” said Jim Saylor, SEDA-COG Transportation Program director.

TIP projects are valued at $376 million over the next four years. State funding will cover 71% of the Transportation Improvement Program project costs, local funding match is less than 1%, while the federal funding level is at 28%.

Some of the major projects on the TIP include:

    • · The Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation (CSVT) project.
    • · Traffic signal improvements are planned for Route 150 in Clinton County and corridor-wide safety improvements are planned for Route 54 in Montour County.
    • · Repaving is planned for portions of Farrandsville Road in Clinton County, Routes 11 and 339 in Columbia County, Route 522 and Electric Avenue in Mifflin County, Interstate 80 in Montour County, and Route 54 in Northumberland County.
    • · Rehabilitation or replacement of many deficient state and local bridges across the region.

The TIP includes 23 local bridges ─ one in Snyder County, two in Mifflin County, three in Clinton and Montour counties, four in Columbia and Northumberland counties, and six in Union County. Additional new local bridge projects may be addressed through the TIP in the future, using cost savings or special initiatives.

The TIP also includes transit projects worth $3.2 million for Call A Ride Service Inc. in Mifflin and Juniata counties and Geisinger Health System for the LIFE Geisinger Program.

Below, Table 1 shows a funding summary for the SEDA-COG MPO region by county and transit operator for each of the four TIP years, listed by federal fiscal year.

The 2021 TIP will take effect on Oct. 1, 2020; the next comprehensive TIP update will occur in 2022.

The final adopted version of the TIP is on SEDA-COG’s website at

State College business expands to South Korea with SEDA-COG partnership

State College business Xact Metal is expanding its distribution to South Korea, thanks to its partnership with SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) and PA’s Authorized Trade Representatives in South Korea. Xact Metal is a developer and manufacturer of metal 3D printers.

After visiting South Korea as part of Pennsylvania’s High-Tech Trade Mission in February, Xact Metal signed a distribution agreement with Korean firm, YES01. YES01 will market, sell, and support Xact Metal’s products in Korea.

This success builds on Xact Metal’s trip to Europe last year, partly funded by a grant SEDA-COG secured, where the company signed 10 European distributors covering 80% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Europe, said Dave Jankowski, Xact Metal’s commercial operations leader.

“After harnessing the tremendous power of SEDA-COG to help us succeed in our European distribution strategy last year, we wanted to leverage their expertise and partnership to help us execute our Asian distribution strategy this year,” Jankowski said.

Noelle Long, director of SEDA-COG’s Export Development Program, coordinates the annual Bringing the World to Central PA event where businesses can learn how to sell goods and services in over 50 international markets. Jankowski met South Korea trade representatives Ken Yang and Min Lee last September at this event.

“Bringing the World to Central PA served as an excellent entryway for Xact Metal to discuss their Asian market opportunities with our trade representatives,” Long said.

After the event, Long introduced Jankowski to those coordinating the trade mission to Korea.

Jankowski visited Seoul, South Korea, right before the COVID-19 crisis escalated – and the assistance and coordination the trade representatives provided made the trip efficient and as safe as possible.

“SEDA-COG and the trade representatives gave me the support I needed to make effective use of my time in South Korea and accomplish in two days what would’ve taken a week to accomplish on my own,” he said. “The timing was very good; I can’t say enough about the trade reps in South Korea – they were dynamite,” Jankowski said.

Trade representatives Yang and Lee provided an analysis of the market for additive manufacturing, gave a list of potential companies for Jankowski to visit, coordinated the trip, advised on hotel bookings, provided translators, and more. Because of the start of COVID-19, Lee also prepared Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for him such as masks and hand sanitizers, along with a private vehicle to avoid public transportation.

“For small companies such as Xact Metal, having that support is tremendous – and at a very reasonable cost to attend the trade mission,” Jankowski said.

Lee said this success is a homerun.

“It was a meaningful experience for us to see how successful this trip was for Xact Metal, and to set the stage for success, especially in such a difficult economic year with the pandemic,” Lee said.

Long said these successes are a testimony of the power of partnerships.

“Businesses often don’t realize the opportunities they can leverage with our partnerships,” Long said. “We bridge the gap for businesses through our expertise, network of global connections, and funding opportunities.”

While the pandemic has slowed business, Jankowski said they should start getting orders out to Korea within six months. Next year, Xact Metal hopes to expand its distribution network to Japan, China, Australia, and New Zealand.

Located at 200 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 257, Xact Metal develops and manufactures high-performance powder bed 3D printers at affordable prices. For more information about Xact Metal, visit

SEDA-COG’s Export Development team serves the businesses and communities of central Pennsylvania by encouraging and facilitating economic development through growth in world trade. It is funded by the state Department of Community & Economic Development’s Office of International Business Development and Partnerships for Regional Economic Performance. For more information about SEDA-COG’s Export Development Program, contact Noelle Long at or 570-524-4491.