Purpose Statement
The SRBG is a cross-sector partnership framework where stakeholders can share best practices and challenges related to digital access and equity, build relationships, and spark connections across organizations, as well as counties.
Internet access being essential for quality of life, innovative education, and a competitive economy in our region, the goal of the SRBG is to facilitate the growth of high-speed broadband and help find a solution to provide residents, businesses, hospitals, and schools with faster, more reliable internet service across the eleven county SEDA-COG region.
The SRBG would be open to those who have an interest, be it direct or indirect, in promoting, resource sharing, and implementing broadband expansion. In particular, the SRBG would engage:
- • County Commissioners
- • County Planners
- • Municipal Government Representatives
- • Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
SRBG meetings to be held on a bi-monthly basis @ 3PM on the last Thursday of the Month unless otherwise stated. The running time for the meetings will be determined by agenda items but should run no longer than 1-1.5hr. SRBG meetings will also be recorded.
Please join using this link:
Meeting ID: 725733443
One tap to join audio only from a smartphone:
+16504191505,,725733443# United States (San Mateo, CA)
Or dial:
+1 (650) 4191505 United States (San Mateo, CA)
Access Code / Meeting ID: 725733443
iCalendar: SEDA-COG Regional Broadband Group (SRBG)
Meetings will consist of stakeholders sharing any new projects, plans or information regarding broadband and may include:
- • Fed Funding
- • State Funding
- • Initiatives
- • Regulatory
- • On-going Projects
- • ISP Expansion