SEDA-COG’s 2020 board officers elected

Board officers for SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) were elected at Wednesday’s public meeting. The 2020 SEDA-COG Board of Directors’ officers are Columbia County Commissioner Rich Ridgway, president; Juniata County Commissioner Mark Partner, first vice president; Mifflin County Commissioner Kevin Kodish, second vice president, Larry Reisinger of Perry County, secretary; and Dennis Van Benthuysen of Snyder County, treasurer. Board member appointments and reappointments will take place in January.

The SEDA-COG board is a 22-member, county-based policy board representing both public and private sectors. SEDA-Council of Governments enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives.

SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of its communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit

Shamokin residents may receive no-cost home repairs

The City of Shamokin anticipates applying for a 2020 $500,000 housing rehabilitation grant next year, and city residents are encouraged to apply now to get on the waiting list to receive no-cost home repairs.

Homeowners within the city limits may be eligible to receive up to $65,000 in home improvements from the HOME Existing Owner-Occupied Housing Program.

Interested residents may call SEDA-COG’s Danielle King at 800-326-9310.

Eligible repairs include structural, roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating/furnace, window replacement, radon and lead-based paint mitigation, and energy-related improvements. Also included are modifications for mobility-impaired residents. There is no cost to homeowners who maintain home residency over a five-year period from the date of signing.

Homeowners can go through the process hassle-free with SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) managing it from start to finish, said Teri Provost, director of the agency’s Housing Rehabilitation program.

“We make the process easy for the homeowner and manage it from start to finish,” Provost said.


  • Own the home or have Life Rights to live in it;
  • Meet income qualifications based on household size;
  • Be current on local taxes and municipal utility bills;
  • Provide proof of homeowner’s insurance;
  • Live in the home an additional five years.

Additional requirements may apply.

Annual Gross Income Limits:
Family size: 1 – $35,400; 2 – $40,450; 3 – $45,500; 4 – $50,550; 5 – $54,600; 6 – $58,650; 7 – $62,700; 8 – $66,750.

Bloomsburg may receive $500K home rehab grant

The Town of Bloomsburg anticipates applying for a 2020 $500,000 housing rehabilitation grant and interested residents should apply now to get on the waiting list for the no-cost repairs.

If awarded, eligible residents may receive up to $65,000 each for home repairs.

Interested residents may call SEDA-COG’s Stacy Anderson at 800-326-9310.

Eligible repairs include structural, roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating/furnace, window replacement, radon and lead-based paint mitigation, and energy-related improvements. Also included are modifications for mobility-impaired residents. There is no cost to homeowners who maintain home residency over a five-year period from the date of signing.

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) manages the entire process for the homeowner, said Teri Provost, director of the agency’s Housing Rehabilitation program.

“The homeowner not only can get necessary home repairs but go through the process hassle-free as we manage the process,” Provost said.


  • Own the home or have Life Rights to live in it;
  • Meet income qualifications based on household size;
  • Be current on local taxes and municipal utility bills;
  • Provide proof of homeowner’s insurance;
  • Live in the home an additional five years.

Additional requirements may apply.

Annual Gross Income Limits:
Family size: 1 – $36,800; 2 – $42,050; 3 – $47,300; 4 – $52,550; 5 – $56,800; 6 – $61,000; 7 – $65,200; 8 – $69,400.

Heating units repaired at no cost for qualifying residents

With colder weather arriving, SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) offers a Crisis program to residents who qualify for fuel assistance, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

The Crisis program repairs a malfunctioning heating unit at no cost. This program runs from Nov. 1 to April 10.

Mandy Fox, chief of SEDA-COG’s Weatherization program, said this is an important offering of which many people aren’t aware.

“Many people don’t know we offer a program that can resolve their heating emergency at no cost, if qualified. Our subcontractors respond to these heating emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week providing clients with one warm room until the issue is resolved,” Fox said.

For residents whose heat source is malfunctioning, they should call their county assistance office. The county assistance office will forward the completed referral to SEDA-COG to assign to a subcontractor.

SEDA-COG’s Weatherization program serves a seven-county area: Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Perry, Snyder, and Union.

If residents don’t qualify for LIHEAP or Crisis assistance, they may still qualify for SEDA-COG’s Weatherization services. SEDA-COG’s Weatherization services may provide furnace repair, although it is not immediate help, as it would be through Crisis.


Family size: 1 – $18,735; 2 – $25,365; 3 – $31,995; 4 – $38,625; 5 – $45,255; 6 – $51,885; 7 – $58,515; 8 – $65,145.


Columbia: 570-387-4200
Juniata: 717-436-2158
Mifflin: 717-248-6746
Montour: 570-275-7430
Perry: 1-800-991-1929
Snyder: 570-374-8126
Union: 570-524-2201